11 March 2021
Grupo RiC, the Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) of the 44th IHF World Hospital Congress, is the first PCO in Barcelona that has been granted the sanitary security seal Safe Travels. Safe Travels is the first internationally recognized seal, promoted by the World Travel & Tourism Council with the support of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which validates the protocols of prevention and hygiene applied as a result of COVID-19. This badge allows travelers to recognize in any country in the world, companies, entities, and destinations that have adopted standardized protocols for security and prevention measures against COVID-19.
Turisme de Barcelona is the local body in charge of granting this recognition to companies in the tourism sector that meet the corresponding requirements.
Grupo RiC is committed to the return of meetings and face-to-face congresses, applying security measures and strict hygienic protocols. With their collaborators, they have prepared an anti-COVID action manual in which they collect the standard measures and protocols to follow in the organization and celebration of its events. Protocols are updated weekly in line with the news that is provided by officials.
In each event, Grupo RiC collaborates with the venues, hotels, caterers, and the rest of the suppliers involved to create a protocol of measures and personalized action according to the order of its clients. These measures include temperature taking at the entrance to the enclosure, the possibility of carrying out antigen tests, delivery of contactless documentation, methacrylate screens in the technical secretariat, mandatory use of masks and antiseptic gels, access control and mandatory minimum distance of 1.5 meters, ad hoc signage, individual coffee breaks and lunch kits, individual microphones, among others.
The International Hospital Federation, Unió Catalana d’Hospitals, and Grupo RiC will work closely with Palau de Congressos de Catalunya and other suppliers to ensure the safety of all World Hospital Congress attendees.