Welcome Letter
The IHF welcomes you to the World Hospital Congress
On behalf of the IHF, bem-vindo—welcome—to the beautiful city of Lisbon for the 2023 World Hospital Congress, “Global Learning, Local Action.” We are excited to bring the Congress to Portugal and look forward to hearing from our partners, the Portuguese Association for Hospital Development, Portuguese Association of Hospital Managers, and Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals about their efforts to advance our shared vision—improving health for all.
Events of recent years have repeatedly demonstrated that the world is more connected than ever before. By working globally today, in collaboration with each other and with the private and public sectors, we can make a profound impact on the many challenges that will affect our world tomorrow.
When we come together in Lisbon, our conversation will focus on areas that can help us find solutions to those challenges, such as helping healthcare leaders successfully navigate the future, the well-being and future of our industry’s professionals, innovative approaches to providing healthcare, the ever-expanding digital landscape, and next-generation, climate-resilient, sustainable healthcare. By working together and learning from one another on these and other topics, we can redefine care delivery for all we serve.
I hope you will join the conversation this October at the 46th World Hospital Congress, and I look forward to seeing you there.
O Consórcio Português dá-lhe as boas-vindas a Lisboa
É com grande honra e sentido de responsabilidade que o Consórcio Português acolhe, em Lisboa, o 46.º Congresso Mundial dos Hospitais da IHF, sob o mote “Global Learning, Local Action”.
Esta é a segunda vez que este prestigiante evento se realiza em Lisboa – a 10.ª edição aconteceu em 1957 – mas é a primeira vez que na sua história é coorganizado por um Consórcio de três Associações de Saúde.
As sinergias provenientes da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Hospitalar (APDH), Associação Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares (APAH) e Associação Portuguesa de Hospitalização Privada (APHP), juntamente com a IHF, irão certamente contribuir para a identificação das melhores práticas e experiências que reflitam o estado da arte na Saúde, tanto a nível nacional como internacional.
Enquanto comunidade internacional, todos beneficiaremos de uma estratégia futura partilhada – “TOMORROW’S WORLD” (o mundo do amanhã) – em áreas chave como a saúde sustentável, abordagens inovadoras na prestação de cuidados, saúde digital ou a valorização futura dos nossos profissionais e a liderança, todos com o objetivo de contribuir para melhores sistemas de saúde, assegurando e melhorando a saúde das populações nestes tempos desafiantes.
Esperamos que se junte a nós em Lisboa, onde temos muito para mostrar e oferecer, não só do nosso sistema de saúde, mas também pela longa história de riqueza cultural e diversidade profundamente enraizada.
Pelas razões acima referidas e muitas mais, acreditamos que estarão reunidas todas as condições para que, connosco, a sua participação e partilha no 46.º Congresso Mundial de Hospitais, em Lisboa, sejam memoráveis.
The Portuguese Consortium welcomes you to Lisbon
It is with great honour and responsibility that the Portuguese Consortium is hosting the 46th IHF World Hospital Congress in Lisbon, under the tagline “Global Learning, Local Action”.
This is the second time this prestigious event is held in Lisbon – the 10th edition was held in Lisbon in 1957 – but the first time ever that this Congress is coorganized by a Consortium of three Health Associations.
The synergies coming from the Portuguese Association for Hospital Development (APDH), the Portuguese Association of Hospital Managers (APAH) and the Portuguese Association of Private Hospitals (APHP), together with IHF, will surely contribute to the selection of the best examples and state-of-the-art experiences in Health, both nationally and internationally.
As an international community, we will all benefit from a shared strategy in key areas of TOMORROW’S WORLD, such as sustainable healthcare, innovative approaches to care, digital health, or the future for our professionals and leadership trials, all aiming to contribute to build better health systems, ensuring and improving the health of populations in these challenging times.
We look forward for you to join us in Lisbon where we have much to show and offer, not only from our health system but also as a country with a long history of cultural richness and deep-rooted diversity.
For the above reasons and many more, we believe you will find the conditions to have and share a memorable participation in Lisbon, with us, in the 46th IHF World Hospital Congress in Portugal.